I am a Ph.D. researcher in the Theoretical Chemical Physics group led by Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko at the University of Luxembourg. My research focuses on extending the applicability of Machine Learning Force Fields to larger molecules, with a particular emphasis on accurately describing long-range interactions. My ultimate goal is to enable atomistic-level modeling and understanding of increasingly complex molecular systems.

I received my B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Fundamental and Applied Chemistry from Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2021, specializing in Physical and Quantum Chemistry. During my Master's degree, I worked in the Quantum Photodynamics laboratory, investigating fundamental chemical processes of living organisms, such as photo-induced isomerization of retinal, proton and electron transfer in green fluorescent protein, using state-of-the-art quantum chemistry methods. As an undergraduate, I worked on efficient synthesis routes of naturally occurring alkaloids in MSU and on development of asymmetric ion-pairing catalysts in NTU, Singapore.

I grew up in Pavlodar, Kazakhstan and discovered my passion for natural sciences by participating in chemistry Olympiads in high school. Besides research, my interests include cs:go, chess, and russian rap music.

Latest News

09/2023 - Just got through my second thesis committee meeting - the journey continues!
07/2023 - I will be traveling to Los Angeles in December for an IPAM reunion conference
06/2023 - Our paper on Efficient interatomic descriptors for MLFFs of extended molecules is now published in Nature Communications
05/2023 - New website is up!